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Cristiana De Filippis: premio della EMS 2024

Cristiana de Filippis, EMS Prize 2024. Fonte: Università di Parma.

Premi della European Mathematical Society

I premi della EMS, stabiliti nel 1992, ad ogni Congresso Europeo di Matematica, riconoscono il lavoro di fino a dieci ricercatori/trici di meno di 35 anni al momento della nomina.

Fra le ricercatrici laureate quest’anno:

Maria Colombo
Full Professor at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
For breakthrough results in fluid dynamics, optimal transport and kinetic theory, and for her impact on analysis more broadly.

Cristiana De Filippis
Assistant Professor at the University of Parma
For her outstanding contributions to elliptic regularity, in particular Schauder estimates for nonuniformly elliptic equations and non-differentiable variational integrals, and minima of quasiconvex integrals.

Jessica Fintzen
Full Professor at Universität Bonn and Duke University
For her transformative work on the representation theory of p-adic groups, in particular for her spectacular proof that Yu’s construction of supercuspidal representations is exhaustive.

Nina Holden
Associate Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
For her profound contributions to probability theory and its applications to statistical physics, including results linking Liouville quantum gravity, the Schramm-Loewner evolution, and random triangulations.

Fonti: Univesità di Parma, EMS, siti delle ricercatrici.

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